10 Ways Cops Know You’re Lying

10 Ways Cops Know You’re Lying In fiction, the murderer is always an evil genius, a professional hit man, or a taunting serial killer.  But in my experience as a police detective, most criminals are hapless goofs whose crimes are wholly unplanned, the result of...

Top Ten Hollywood Mysteries

Having grown up devouring books like Helter Skelter and Hollywood Babylon, I understand the power of a Hollywood crime story: the shocking twists, the legendary players, the insidious role of the entertainment industry and its power to build and shatter dreams. The...


Five greatest art thefts As the author of a forthcoming book about a fascinating art theft, I am sometimes asked to name the most impressive or important art heists ever pulled off. These thefts deprived the public of access to masterpieces—not something to...