Writer Needs: An Island, a Tower, and a Cat

Writer Needs: An Island, a Tower, and a Cat “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” Um, bleed, Mr. Hemingway? Those are not words that inspire the creative spirit. Granted, we all aren’t penning Nobel Prize worthy fiction, but...

Advice for Writers: Find Your Niche

Advice for Writers: Find Your Niche When I first started writing novels and trying to get published, I wrote historical romance novels. I created the business cards to put my best foot forward and portray myself as a professional at writing conferences. I thought the...

A Writer’s Guide to Effective Newsletters

A Writer’s Guide to Effective Newsletters “Newsletters suck. Mine doesn’t.” That’s the copy on the little pop-up you see when visiting my website. Accompanying that message is a picture of a forlorn kitten, along with a promise of said...