The World of Sherlock Holmes: The Facts and Fiction Behind the World’s Greatest Detective



The World of Sherlock Holmes: The Facts and Fiction Behind the World’s Greatest Detective

Enter the world of Sherlock Holmes, and uncover the myths and reality of the era when the famed detective emerged–a time of great advances in crime analysis, medicine, and technology. Along with background on Holmes’s origin, fans can explore the various portrayals of the character through the years, including BBC’s Sherlock; Elementary, with its female Watson; and Guy Ritchie’s action-packed Sherlock Holmes films.

Biographical Note:
Martin Fido taught English at the Universities of Leeds and the West Indies, and was a visiting professor at Michigan State University. He is a true crime writer and broadcaster whose books include The Crimes, Detection and Death of Jack the Ripper (Weidenfeld & Nicolson), The Official Encyclopedia of Scotland Yard (Virgin Publishing), The Chronicle of Crime (Sevenoaks), and The Murder Guide to London (Academy Chicago Publishers). He has also written illustrated biographies of Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, and Oscar Wilde, and a book on Agatha Christie.


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