My Obsession With Missing Persons

My Obsession With Missing Persons My mother read me Miss Nelson is Missing! before I achieved literacy. The story is about a good, sweet, conventionally pretty teacher whom the children she teaches all take for granted. Then she goes missing and a cruel, ugly...

Five Ways to Foil a Kidnapping

Five Ways to Foil a Kidnapping Imagine that a dastardly villain is out to kidnap you. Perhaps he’s a ruthless serial killer who’s been foiling police for years and is now out to make you the latest victim in his complicated plot. Or maybe he’s a Victorian count set on...

Five Real Life Femme Fatales…

Don’t underestimate the fairer sex when it comes to having the steel to commit serial murder. You hear it all the time in crime shows and mysteries: the false, sexist perception that there are few, if any, female serial killers outside of fiction. This mistaken belief...